Saturday, 18 February 2012

New Jersey's First Solar Hydrogen Home

Check this guy out! He's managed to power his entire home since 2006 using the power of the Sun. The house is powered by a solar array that produces three times as much energy as he actually needs. The excess energy he generates would normally be fed back to the electricity supplier but as he is totally energy independent he instead feeds the excess into a device that uses electrolysis to split the hydrogen molecules from the oxygen. The Hydrogen is fed into a series of propane tanks that store enough energy to power his house for three and a half months during the winter  period. The Oxygen is released into the atmosphere where it is harmless and actually beneficial for the environment.

The system was costly to install but with a community grant and freebies from suppliers he managed to turn this idea into a reality. It stands as a shining example of what we can do if we put our minds to it. The house has all the mod cons you would expect including a hot tub but there is more than enough energy generated to power it all,clean energy that actually gives back to the environment. So its no wonder the big energy companies don't want you you to know about Solar. The amount invested on this project has paid for itself eight times over so it really is a win win situation. The UK needs more available grants in place for Solar Power and other renewable power sources so that everyone can have the opportunity to make the switch to sustainability. If we spent less money on war and more on renewal, then there would arguably be more than enough to go round for everyone.

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