Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Curry Boss Uses Fighter Jet to serve the Rich!

A recent article in talks of how a curry boss has bought a fighter jet to serve customers his curry takeaways around the world. Is this acceptable in the current ecological climate? Why are we paying green taxes? The whole country is being told to become more Energy Efficient and this sort of behaviour is allowed to go on. The rich live in a totally different world to the rest of us as we all know and anyone who accepts a curry takeway delivered in a Fighter Jet obviously could not give a damn about environmental issues or the impact their decadence is having on our planet. When the planet goes into meltdown will their money save them? I seriously doubt it. Re-tweet, share and generally make a noise as loud as a jet plane taking off about this story. Wtf??? (Excuse my unprofessional-ism)

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