Thursday, 9 February 2012

A new £50million centre that will accelerate the commercialisation of green technologies has been announced today by the Business Secretary Vince Cable.

The Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult will be headquartered at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow with an operational centre at the National Renewable Energy Centre in the North East of England.

The national centre will focus on technologies for offshore wind, wave and tidal power and is designed to bridge the gap between university research and full commercialisation. It will have a UK wide remit, and build strong links with centres of excellence such as Wave Hub and the marine energy park in the South West of England.

Speaking at the launch event in Glasgow, Cable said: "Our offshore renewable sector can compete on a global scale and has huge potential for growth. If we can harness that we will generate billions of pounds for the economy whilst creating thousands of job opportunities at the same time."

Today's announcement is part of the government's investment in a network of Catapult centres across a number of sectors. The £140million High Value Manufacturing Catapult is now operating across seven locations around the UK. A £50million Cell Therapy Catapult, a Satellite Applications Catapult and Connected Digital Economy Catapult are due to be set up later this year.

Professor Jim McDonald, chairman of the Energy Technology Board and Principal of the University of Strathclyde, said: "I am delighted that this truly collaborative bid has been successful. By securing the UK Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult, the country will build on our already globally competitive reputation for advances in renewable technology and deployment.

"Our world class research base offers distinct advantages and will accelerate industrial innovation. We will help to develop and drive the industry over the coming ten years and beyond."

Laura Hopperton

Eureka Magazine

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