A look through a few public display certificates for schools
across a variety of regions in the UK , has revealed that many are in
dire need of energy efficiency improvements. The fact that most of these
schools are still using oil burners to heat their property and suffer from bad
insulation, is arguably the key as to why they have such poor grades, even down
to an appalling ‘G’, the lowest grade possible.
In relation to heat waste, insulation is a key feature that
must be upgraded to appropriate standards before anything else is considered.
The amount of money and heat lost through bad insulation, especially in such a
large building can equate to thousands of pounds wasted each year.
Considering money is scarce in the education system surely
investment in loft and wall insulation would be an economically viable proposition
both to lower the schools carbon emissions and save much needed money, that can
be put back into where it counts i.e. education.
From the point of view of heat source, replacing the old oil
powered boiler with an alternative heat source such as a biomass boiler, for
example, would be an extremely economic, energy efficient and viable option.
Oil has risen in price by 160% in the past five years i.e. five years ago oil
was 25p per litre – today it is approaching 65p.
A wood-fuelled boiler can offer a very simple and
cost-effective means to heat buildings whilst realising significantly large
savings in carbon emissions. Replacing a fossil fuel burner with wood fuel will
typically reduce the overall carbon emissions by over 90%, with the assumption
that the wood supply is managed sustainably. There will also be an approximate
reduction of around 40% in energy bills from day one of making the change, on
top of the huge savings to the environment in emissions.
The heating of public buildings represents a significant
opportunity for savings in carbon emissions. Wood fired heating such as the
above can be used widely for public buildings with heating requirements of 30kW
and above, as well as on a domestic scale. Currently Sheffield City
council can proudly boast having the largest district heating scheme for public
buildings in the country and they are looking closely at biomass, amongst other
renewable heat sources, to further lower their emissions and save on public
There are even companies out there at the moment that will
supply, install, repair and maintain a wood pellet biomass boiler free of
charge, usually taking their cut via the government’s Renewable Heat Incentive
scheme (RHI) and passing all the cost and energy saving benefits to the
So there is no excuse for public buildings, especially
schools to be having such terribly low EPC ratings. As of April 2018, it will
be illegal to sell or rent any building that has an EPC certificate rating of
‘F’ or below so surely public buildings must follow suit along with the
domestic and commercial
Wales is home to the UK’s first completely energy
efficient school, fully powered and heated by renewable energy sources and
fitted with energy efficient modifications, having achieved an A++ EPC rating,
so it just goes to show how unacceptable it is that a school in the UK should
not achieve at least a ‘D’ rating on its EPC report card.
Appropriate insulation and the use of wood-pellet burners
can all be initially installed for practically free, so it’s time the
government re-educated their heads of school about the cost-saving and energy
saving benefits of becoming energy efficient. On a final note, would it not be
good to set an example to the children in the schools about being energy
efficient and protecting their environment, by way of at least allowing them to
learn in a low carbon, low waste, cost-effective environment?