Friday, 17 June 2011

British Government launches Fit review

Just read this article and I think it displays perfectly how  new green technologies are proving to be too popular. Too much carbon being saved? Time to cut incentives to save the planet? This government couldn't be much more narrow minded.

"Confirming fears that have been mounting in recent weeks, Energy Secretary Chris Huhne has launched a comprehensive review of the UK feed-in tariff (FiT) scheme, following claims that large-scale solar farms could ‘soak up money’ which was reportedly intended to help homes, communities and small businesses generate their own electricity."

Check out the full article in

Monday, 21 March 2011

India - First Solar Powered Zoo!

Lucknow's Prince of Wales Zoological Garden is the first Zoo in the country to use solar energy. all the kitchens, offices and street lamps currently run off solar power and in another six months the entire facility will be completely powered the Sun.  Zoo Director Renu Singh had the idea in 2007 after a huge electricity bill and decided that solar energy, having few running costs would be the ideal solution. Everybody who visits the Zoo will not only learn about the animal kngdom but will also be educated on the use of Solar Energy and its implementation in the Zoo. Moreover people will leave a clear idea of how to implement solar power into their own lives. 

If an impoverished country like India can implement such methods into their lives, it the begs the question as  to why we in the west, with our technologically advanced and financially robust society, are not already doing this?  Time to wake up and smell the solar balti methinks! ;-)

Tuesday, 15 February 2011

Nano Technology to Create Spray-on Solar Panels

Have you heard about this? It's a technology being developed by researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). They are developing a paint that is made up of nano crystals containing copper, indium, gallium and selenite, that acts in the same way as a solar panel. This paint can be sprayed on to any window and used to generate power in the same way as a solar panel. Not just limited to glass it can also be sprayed on plastic and even fabric to create a solar cell. They are also confident that they can now get the cells to operate at 30% efficiency which is currently the highest possible output. 
The cost will of installation will be considerably reduced, the idea being that the cells will be sprayed onto a thin sheet of card and be accessible ultimately in every local hardware store, allowing anyone to purchase and fit them in their homes or business. The potential for this is unlimited. It will no longer be possible to argue that the cost of switching to Solar Power is prohibitive and  that panels look unsightly and are difficult to install.  

Friday, 21 January 2011

Solar Power is a no brainer when you look at the facts

Did you know that the in one day the Sun produces 200,000 times the electrical generating power in terms of solar energy than that of the entire world? That's truly amazing and equally shocking that our governments are still endorsing the use of carbon churning energy sources when we have one right in front of our very noses that will never run out in our lifetime. The Sun produces clean, non-polluting energy that costs practically nothing to harness and can even get you credits from your local electricity board as any energy you do not use is sent back to them. Should you switch to Solar Power? In my humble opinion, it's a no-brainer.

Thursday, 20 January 2011

Self-Cleaning Oven sparks Solar Power breakthrough....

This little article caught my attention today:-

"Researchers at the California Institute of Technology are developing a reactor that can convert carbon dioxide and water into fuel using solar energy , and the whole thing is based on the same stuff that makes a self-cleaning oven work its magic. It's a simple concept that could lead to low cost fuel cells and other forms of clean, renewable energy..."See the full article by Tina Casey at Alternative Energy News

Saturday, 15 January 2011

100% Carbon Free Web Hosting!

If you want your business to be more attractive to your clients and display that you are doing the right thing by converting to renewable energy just as they are then this is a good place to start. There servers are completely solar powered much like those of, the relatively new, green email server that I have been using for about a year now. Solar Energy offers prices from $9.99/month for hosting and gives you the piece of mind of running your website, from  completely energy efficient, 100% Carbon Free servers. I will be switching and I hope you will have a look too.

Use of Solar Energy in Cell Tower can reduce CO2 emissions..

Breaking news from India that Diesel generated Cellphone towers are creating FIVE MILLION TONS!!! of Carbon emissions every year. Read this story from Business to find out how they are planning to introduce Solar Energy to Power the towers and help dramatically reduce this disgraceful cause of pollution.